Tag: Web

Setting up a reverse proxy serving Gitea with Gin

A reverse proxy receives requests and redirect them to the right host. It is very useful when you have only one server but need to serve several websites with domain names (or sub-domains).

Overview of the reverse proxy

Overview of the reverse proxy

In my case, I want to serve two sub-domains:

  • fadila.khadar.dev, this static website.
  • gitea.khadar.dev, a self-hosted all-in-one software development service.

So the idea is to have a docker container running for each site to be served, and another one that will act as reverse proxy. I use docker compose for this, but I won’t cover this here.


Generating a static website with Hugo

Hugo is a static website generator written in Go. It is very fast at generating pages. Furthermore, there are more than 300 customizable themes available on hugo’s website: https://themes.gohugo.io/. Among those, I especially like these ones:

  • Slick, a theme with no external request.
  • Blist, a more blog-like them.
  • Notrack, a theme with no analytics.

I’ve decided to go with Notrack as I like the look and it corresponds to my needs.